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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday 12/09/2011 had a hysteroctopy

Yeah, I didn't know what that was either until I was almost going into the procedure. I had my little outpatient thingy done at 7:30 am Friday morning. Heather and I were at the 7th Ave outpatient center at 6:30. Can I just say how simply amazing it is to be taken anywhere by this woman? She is so confident and really gives me strength when she is at my side.
So, they explained all that was going to be done - basically go in through my cervix with a camera and see whats going on inside there and the Uterus. What they found was some growth in the cervix and the Uterus that was removed. It has now been sent out to pathology to determine what is was/is. I'm pretty sure they are polyps and we will find out why I got them in the first place! Is it because of being borderline poly-cystic when I was younger? Is it because I was pre-menopausal way too early (35) and given hormones for 7 yrs to prevent early menopause? Is it because 1 1/2 years ago I put myself on to estrovan (walmart brand however) and black kohesh to prevent my hot flashes and mood swings? I guess that will all be discussed in the weeks to come!
Coming home I took pretty good care of myself, well....not in the eating department. I had a super HUGE set back. I am reading a book that is bringing up some mental pictures and memories of my childhood and I kind of gave myself the gift of binging. (a gift? what an oxymoron) Not so good, but it is what it is! I ate 3 donuts, a container of lays potato chips and then Heather brought me home a double western cheeseburger! Which, was AMAZING...but it left me SICK. I was nauseous the entire night, literally. At one point I sat on the toilet from 1:30 to 2:30 not sure how I was going to be sick so I was prepared for both. I didn't sleep, much. 30 minutes here and there. I think by the time I left my bed this morning maybe a total of 3 hours.Anyway, back to my medical issue! My shoulder is still sore, but bearable, thank goodness. I am still light headed some and have a sore throat with a light cough. These things I was told are typical side affects after being under anesthesia. I am hopeful with a good night sleep tonight I will feel a lot better tomorrow.
I'm sitting here today watching TV and catching up on some work emails. Also, packed up some gifts getting ready to leave on the 21st to fly down south.
I talked to Heather just a little today and wow, do I miss her! I am getting healthier in my head. I have promised her that December is her month so I will keep trying to resist pushing anything on her.
I've not checked up on anything like the AT&T bill, her cell phone messages or texts, facebook, emails, nothing! I'm actually pretty proud. I have a true sense of complete trust and its very liberating! It is getting back to how it was those middle 9 years we had in this 13 year relationship. The first 2 years were hard for me to trust, the last 2 I sorta lost my mind with being overloaded with my lap band surgery with a new way of eating in my life, my hormones, my dad BS, Jason Morris dying, the wedding, the baby, etc....but now I am working on getting rid of all those delusional thoughts that were comfortable for me to slip into. The mind is so weird and yet incredibly complicated and fascinating. Off to sleep now, taking a nap I hope!
To my DC: Even though I am trying to not push, I also might not know when you are ready to let me in, completely. Just give me the sign, the word, or the touch so I'll know :)

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