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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Names have been changed to protect the "Not So Innocent"!

I'm sorry you will not accept my face book friend request. Didn't think you would anyway, but had hopes that you had realized what was done to me wasn't good and we had got past that. After all, we were once so close! You do know that what happened to me by so many was against what the Lord would have wanted, right? And that "Lucy" and "Jack" are no saints..trust me, I have inside information into that one! Just ask "Jack" about the things he shared with me one night and the many many conversations "Lucy" had with dealing with her issues with "Jack".

Please understand that we all live with decisions and that most people have secrets, "Doug". Remember how close "Chrissy" and I were? Remember me giving "Joanne" a baby shower at my home? Remember me coming over to pack up your house when you moved to "Austin"? Remember...well, perhaps you don't remember the many hours upon hours of devotion I gave to serving the Lord at the church you started, and anything you or "Chrissy" asked me to do, I was more than happy to do?
It seems that you guys and your group of friends - or shall we say your righteous click - all decided that because I was finally free of a lifetime of suffering with the hypocrisy that the church teaches on homosexuality and was able to be the full me, well...you couldn't handle it. One tiny little thing about me was out in the open and it killed all of you because you were all so scared that this one tiny little thing defined me/changed who I really am. Well, if a sexual attraction and falling in love with a woman is a defining factor that can change everything about a person and forget everything good an decent thing a person did in their life, then gosh...what does that say about someone who has a secret wish that their wife wear hooker heels and have hooker nails and walk the streets of Las Vegas in there thong? Does that mean they are a pervert? Or does it mean that they have a desire that was planted within them? sound confusing? well, not really. There is this one tiny little part of me that was "so different" that it change everyone's mind and heart toward me. I'm not any more a sinner than the rest of the world. In fact, I'm far better than most.

I am a FANTASTIC Mother who NEVER turned their back on their children, ever. I didn't allow others to 'raise' my kids because I was too busy with my work. I am still and will always be there for and with the boys, no matter what my financial life is at. I will fly, drive, buy bus tickets, train tickets...it doesn't matter where my life is at - for my children are that important to me. I was a cub scout den leader, a Sunday school teacher, a team mom, a class room parent volunteer, a noon aid on the playground, I babysat others in my home for years so I could be with my kids, the list goes on but that doesn't really matter because what matters is how content I am in my soul and in my heart with how I've lived my life.

I am a giver to the needy. I have always and will always give you anything you need if you ask me. I will buy and dish out the food to feed when you are down. I will find a coat in my closet for you to wear if you are cold. I do not need excess while others are suffering and in need.

I lift up my family and friends. I never wish for them to feel put down or set apart from any other person. I build them up and am there for them, any time they need or want me near. I am never above them, we are equal and no better than anyone. God sees us all as children and there is no varying the love of God.

I hope your child is never judged, mocked, neglected, shunned, spat on, rebuked or hated as you and your so called "God fearing, God loving, Christian brethren" have done to me.

Merry Christmas!

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