Today I did not cry. I know, right! It was a wonderful feeling to not feel so empty mentally and emotionally. Sure, there is still some sad that remains with me, but I'm choosing to really try super hard to look at the positive and the bigger picture.
I put up a few Christmas decorations, including a small lit tree and the nativity set. This alone helped a bunch I think. I also wrapped some gifts. Can't wait to see my grand baby and Jason and Jennifer and my momma! I leave in 13 days. So close to Christmas!
I pray for the love of my life to feel my heart, hear my heart, know how very sorry I am for hurting her with my accelerated tones and harsh words. Please God, keep reminding me of the choices I am making and wish to keep for the rest of my life.
1. Words can hurt.
2.Do not hurl any insults.
3. Think.
4. Quiet yourself before speaking.
5. Choose to be kind
6. Give of yourself
7. You do NOT need to be 'right'
8. Always love over hate
Tomorrow is my procedure. I pray all goes well and whatever the find they can get rid of and that it isn't cancer.
maybe don't give of yourself, sometimes they would rather you not give....I do not understand, but maybe one day I will.