So, I'm a grandma! Actually, I've been a grandma - or as I prefer to be called, Grammy - since August 19th 2011. Our precious little Jordynn Marie Riley was born at 2:31 AM weighing in at 7 lbs 3.5 ounces (since when do they go 1/2 oz?!) and measuring 21 inches long. Jason says that the Dr. said its more like 20 since her head was cone shaped due to the delivery :)
I cannot express how much I love this little girl. It's so new, yet she has always been a part of me. How is that possible? I always wanted Jason to become a father. Due to him having so much medical work and x-rays and stuff, I really was never sure! I never wanted to voice my fears as I didn't ever want to really contemplate the alternative.
Now, Evan stated quite a while ago that he will have many children. My fear for him since he was around 15, was that he would have 3 children, by 3 women, none of them being a wife. hahaha! He's changed a lot since then!
This little girl has completed Jason and Jennifer. They are the most adorable parents and are going to do a magnificent job, I just feel that deep within my being. And, I and Heather will love this little girl forever and ever and ever. I hope Jordynn will always know that she has an amazing father and mother. She could not have asked for a Daddy who would love her more or a Mommy who will protect her more. These parents will do anything to make sure she knows she is as special as she is and will become!
Jordynn: I love you!!!! xoxoxoxo
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