And so I did. I sent an apology. I just wanted the weight of the yuck to leave me. I thought it might help with freeing me so I could concentrate on myself again. I thought and thought and thought a long time before sending an email. This is what I sent:
Dear Dad and Gloria,
I wish to extend my hand asking for forgiveness for what had happened during the emotional period following my sons wedding last May. If you believe that I was too harsh, then I am sorry for that.
I don't know what else to say other than please let things just rest. There have been far too many words already spoken thus far that have caused so much hurt.
I wish you both well.
Love, WenDee
AND two days later I get this fucking piece of garbage from a woman who is evil to the core:
WenDee , this is Gloria. I just want to let you know that I have accepted your apology even though it does not sound very sincere. However, I don't think that, that kind of apology is fair to your Dad. Not only are you trying to make it as if "he believes that you were too harsh" but you are not admitting to doing anything wrong.
Do you really believe that it is fair to your Dad to just say I am sorry? You not only screamed at him in front of all the people at the hotel restaurant, but you continued to insult him through your E-mails, calling him names that I would never even think of calling my enemies. Then telling him that he had never given you anything. Your Dad sent you an E-mail reminding you of all the things that he had given you and done for you in the hopes that you would understand where he was coming. Instead you turned it around and told him that those were things that he was supposed to do and that he never thinks of anything but money. Don't you think that hurt him? Also, you have contributed to the fact that your children, HIS GRAND-SONS have stopped talking to him. Jason has never even sent an E-mail telling us they came back from their honeymoon. At Christmas time, we sent Jason and Jennifer Christmas money in their Christmas card and what happened? they cashed the check, but we never heard anything from them. It has been over a year that they got married and have never heard anything from them. Don't you think we know who poisoned their minds? Evan was the same thing. We found out that he had enlisted in the Navy, but he never contacted us to let us know. We still have not heard from him. He was the one that was always very sweet. He told us at Paula's wedding that he was so thankful that we were his grand-parents, however we have not heard anything from him since that day. You sent us a very nasty E-mail because we had forgotten his birthday and his Christmas gift, but you expect us to give them gifts and cards etc when they don't even notify us of what they are doing? And who is to be blamed? We couldn't send him anything because we did not have any idea where he was.
Your Dad is very, Very hurt not only with you but with your children. He knows that their minds have been poisoned, but they are old enough to know better and to know we have not done anything at all to hurt you or to hurt them. He has been very hurt with all the hurtful things that you called him when you started sending those horrible E-mails and calling us cussing and calling us names that like I said, I have never used in my life and I would never used to insult my worst enemy let alone my own dad.
You know in your heart that we did not do anything wrong. Paula had asked us to please be there early since we had to change clothes, I had offered to take pictures of her while she was getting ready, etc. We had promised her we would do that, and we knew that you could find somebody else to take Jason and Jennifer to Simi. Any way, I don't think I have to go through all these. I understand you were very "emotional" because Jason was getting married, but there was absolutely no reason for you to take it out on us and not only that, you continued with your nasty ness and your hurtful insulting E-mails and calls.
Please think about it. I am not being nasty, just like I was not nasty on my previous letter. I just want you to think about all you have done to your dad and be more remorseful of all the hurt you have caused your dad and really ask him for forgiveness.
Like I said, I accept your apology, I love you but you did not hurt me like you hurt your dad. He is the one that loves you very much and that resulted on his being so hurt. Please think about it and if it is in your heart, either call him or send him an E-mail really telling him what is in your heart. I am sure he would appreciate it and help the healing
Fuck you Gloria in your hispanic ass! You are a cruel mean person who never bore a child therefore never had an ounce of understanding what it means to be a parent.
Fuck you Gloria for speaking - once again - for my father.
Fuck you for calling me names again. Saying I poisoned my children against you and my dad. You did the bullshit poisoning when you treated their mother like scum and told her to go to hell.
Fuck you Gloria for thinking my son had any obligation to call you when he went into the Navy. Fucking bitch you don't deserve to know anything about my sons or my life.
Fuck you for not calling them and being the bigger person. Oh, wait, that's because you are evil and not a normal person who has no idea what taste and respect is with other humans.
Fuck you Dad for allowing this wicked witch to get in the middle of you and I. You beat my brother and he left home the minute he could escape your bitterness. You abused my oldest sister by belittling her over and over again, to the point that she has scars and now will do just anything to get you to 'love her'. Problem is you have no idea how to love. You cast my middle sister out of your life because she was an emotional basket case before she was diagnosed with bi polar. You never attempted to get her back. I think you were glad to have one less child. My brother died in flames and smoke and I wonder if he EVER thought about you before taking his last breath, I wonder if he questioned why he wasn't good enough for you to accept him as he was?
Well, FUCK YOU BOTH if you do not accept me as I am. Fuck you for pushing and pushing and pushing. You do not deserve my love nor that of my children and I'll be damned certain you won't have anything to do with my grand daughter.
I hate you for hating me. I hate you for rejecting me. I hate you for not ever knowing how to have the fucking BALLS to come to me and talk. I will get past this. I will survive. I will not allow you to keep me pushed down to where you wanted me to be.