Evan's Navy Box

I worked yesterday about 12 hours, thinking about Evan ALL day. After walking in the door at 7:45 PM I find a box on my kitchen table. It had Evans name on the top and on the side written in his handwriting was my name and address. It was his clothes and backpack. The entire outfit I last saw him in at the airport. What an eerie feeling I had taking each article from the box. After all the things were emptied, I find a blue, yellow and white card at the bottom. It is the tag to a pair of Navy issued Tube socks! I think Evan dropped it in there on purpose as he knew I would smile when I found it. I looked through... his coat pockets and found the ticket stub to his train ride to the airport Tuesday. Then, at the bottom of his empty backpack there lay the 11 flash cards he made so he could study the Eleven General Orders. All these three things I'm holding onto tight - as they represent
1. His strength in preparing and wanting to succeed in the Navy
2. His love for me and wanting me to know how much
3. His independence into a new world
So, I will have many other things to add to his 'box of navy stuff' but this is getting me started and I really needed some connection to Evan right now. Still can't WAIT to hear his voice again soon!
I love you Evan. ta ta for now my son.
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