Basically, the perks we got was a larger room, with a view of the city and bottled water and robes to use during our stay. I have to be honest, the robes were nice to have! The water was ok, but again nice to have had the bottled water to use for the awesome single coffee maker that we had. There was a fantastic work out room and pool, but alas we didn't have time to use either. Next time. :)
We got there in time to drop off the luggage then head down to the waterfront. The weather was fricken PERFECT! We got into the gate and stopped at all the booths-collecting free shit and ending that day at 6:00 both participating in a woman's sexual study. Not as fun as it sounds, however! haha! We answered many pages of questions then ended with a genetic testing of saliva. They send that sample in for further research based on your answers they line up types of women .... I really have no clue what or how they were doing the study, but it was interesting and both Heather and I did get $10 borders gift cards for this 30 minutes of our day :) After wards Heather and I went back to the Hilton and spent some time there before heading back to the water front meeting up with friends. It was so great seeing Little T and her new girlfriend! Kristen and Allison came along around 10 and we ended up back on Broadway having a drink outside and waiting for the naked bike riders. No, we didn't see them because they were on another route, and quite honestly I'm glad to have passed on that event! On our way back to our room around midnight, stopped to take this picture in the square:

Next time, I will finish our exciting story of pride - 2010 :)
I love this picture