My son was born in 1985 after years of fertility attempts, set backs, disappointments and a long 10 months of being pregnant. I believed I was the happiest expectant women in all the earth! I only got a tad nauseous in the beginning but for the most part saying I was Glowing was not merely descriptive enough to see how happy I was to finally have my dream come true and become a MoM.
The weekend before he was born I came down with the flu. Oh, I was ill beyond ill. And sleepy too. So when I showed signs that middle of the night I didn't rush to wake up my babies daddy or call the Dr. I just laid down and tried to sleep. However, by 6:00 I woke up Russ and he rushed around taking charge of the situation. At the hospital all was well. I was put on all monitors and inspected for "progress". The day went on. And on. And ON! Until finally, something changed my Dr's mind and an emergency C-Section was planned. Things were rushing here and there and in the delivery room we went. I heard Jason's first cry. My sweet little baby boys cry. Then, nothing. Silence, all but the operating team and doctors. I looked at the clock and it was 2:24 PM, Sunday. Next thing I knew, I was looking at the clock and it was 3:30. They had put me OUT and that is when they woke me UP. You see, Jason was born 'blue'. Blue babies are babies who do not have enough oxygen to breathe correctly, hence they lose their color. The next few hours were spent in wonder what was going on with our baby. Come to find out, he was born with Transposition of the Great Arteries, TGA, as well as a ventricular Septal defect (hole in the heart). Long story short, he was only given a 20% chance of survival that night which followed by months of hospital stays due to heart failures, infections and followed by major heart surgeries. Jason had a wonderful child hood filled with cub scouts, baseball, church trips, neighborhood basketball, swimming all summer and the like. He found himself at age 12 undergoing yet another open heart surgery. So, life for Jason was fun but also extremely serious. In the earlier years I would wonder what Jason had in store in his life. I always knew God had his hand on this young man! However, I didn't really look into his future too much - until he met Jennifer. This young lady captured Jason's heart and later my heart as well. I remember when Jason was 21 and he had yet another annual cardiac check up. I could not go to this appointment with him. However, I had ALWAYS gone to these Dr. visits with him! But, I realized that my duty for doing this was done. Jason was beyond an adult now and he had Jennifer. I distinctly remember they left and I told Jennifer, "Ask the Dr. this question and take notes! Tell the Dr. about this thing and that thing and see what he thinks about another idea.." You guessed it. I was handing over the torch. I was giving up my reign of power and relying on this new women in my sons life to take it on herself. I can tell you I was nervous. I was worried. I was sad that this part of my life was over! And yet, I was thrilled. My son is well.
My son who came into this world blue, married his love of his life - Wedding colors? Well, of course, a shade of blue (pool)
This is my son and I dancing....forever etched in my mind and in my soul.
I love you Jason and Jennifer!
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