I need to put this out here, before i either lose courage or something gets mucked up.
I have male friends who are truly such an incredible asset to my life! My work 'husband' who is funny, helpful, kind and gets pissed and cracks me up! I have other men on my team who also contribute to me loving my job, and I'm so thankful.
I have friends from all different states, that I've met in all different ways, that provide each one a different perspective and yet they all seem to genuinely care and love me. I'm so honored that I have discovered this year as it being true; you really know those who love you when they support you always - but not having to agree with everything - just showing this love in many ways. I couldn't possible name them all, that's how blessed I am! I am hoping that you reading this realize that I'm talking about YOU!
Now, as a wonderful kind spirited, emotional, honest, and truly human (yes, he makes mistakes) friend recently shared on his FB, I'd like to tell you about my day.
After waking up not hating getting out of bed (first sign) I was able to take the dog on a long walk and enjoy the cool dry weather. Having plenty of time, I was able to get to work early and set up for a rather busy day I knew I had ahead of me. I got sidetracked, a lot, but found by doing so I was able to tackle the jobs quickly and complete them. When I arrive home at lunch, I bump into Chris and I was able to help him with Lacy, and that just really pleased me to spend time with my other 'girl, my dexters sister. I miss her so much. As an added bonus, Chris and Jon decide to walk with me to my apt to come get something their mother had asked to have. Being able to just talk to them for a couple of minutes, made me so happy! I love those boys and my heart has also been empty not being around them. I miss them but it was a great surprise to see them :) Now, my sweet friend Crystal constantly brings a smile to my face! Without asking, she brings me either my favorite coffee or tea from the birista. I hope she knows that I am grateful and I never take her kindness for granted! Today when I was coming back in from lunch there she was with her beautiful smile and a peach iced tea waiting for me. The day only escalated from there - one thing after another - that just made me feel that I am alive, I am important, and I matter. Out of the blue, someone brought me salmon that they could not finish. I hadn't had lunch due to my busy break and I was hungry. Whalla. There was lunch! Then, I made a phone call to a gentleman that was not happy. 45 minutes later he was singing my praises and telling me he will be a yahoo forever just because of the service and time I gave to him! Really sir, I LIKE to help people, but it was so nice to hear. Then my boss knew about the extra work that i put in with that case so he tells me that he wants to provide to me dinner! He accidentally leaves a full order of beef stroganoff purchased earlier from the cafe...and tells me he'd like me to have it. Now, I'm sorta broke right now (yeah IRS, kiss my....wait, I'm not doing that right now!) and also I have sort of resented making the meals recently that end up in the garbage because cooking for one is just hard to do (gotta learn portion sizing!). I just feel so full of blessings. I know there are a LOT of steps I need to take, some of which will happen this coming Sunday with a new group I'm going to check out (self help) but I feel stronger today. I feel like I can do this or at least there is hope that if I'm able to see the glory in things then what I once thought was the end of the world maybe, just maybe, its not. I can't wait to be with my family again. I need their hugs, their help and their love - but I also need WenDee; the Wen that finds the good and appreciates her skills and her heart. I'm sorry this is so long and it probably should have just gone on my blog, but no one really reads that thing...and I wanted to share with you all that after 2 months.....I'm thinking that I might be OK. ♥ to you all!