there is a ton of stuff out there giving reason to the quick burial at sea for the ugly, mean, and evil man osama bin laden. for one, no one wants to bury him or have a family member buried near him. for two, its the culture for a quick cleansing of the body and to be buried. you can't compare this burial to michael jackson or other celebrities. these were Americans and there was ceremony to think about. in it time we will see and hear what happened with the killing of bin laden. i'm thrilled that his evil life is extinguished an not on this planet! however, it seems that no matter what this government does, to the nay sayers, its always suspicious or wrong. whats wrong with this picture?! our president never had a chance. too many bigoted racist and right winged conserves that wanted to shut him out even before he walked thru the front doors. i sort of hope president obama doesn't run again. i feel sorry for his family. i'll love to see who this next "perfect" man or woman is going to be since certainly there must be someone out there - considering how everyone thinks our President is doing such an awful job.